Software Downloads
Auction New Releases
- Windows Auction Update - AuctionUpgrade.exe - Contains SAN/Synch Built into AMS.
You will need to install MicroSoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 on any computers that will be using the new AMS/SAN
- AmyUniSetup.exe - Required for TLS secure email.
- - Files in Zip format Required for TLS secure email.
- Java 7 Update 25 - Java 7.40 or higher breaks the SAN Synch Options, so you can
uninstall Java 7.40 or higher in Windows and then go back to Java 7 update 25 -- a work around until you can use the new AMS-SAN synch.
- RealTekStereoMixWindows3264.exe - Stereo Mix for Windows 64Try this if you don't have the option to enable RealTek Stereo mix in Control Panel.
- Before you do an update. Make sure you do the following. No exceptions.
- You must have an up-to-date backup. Last nights' tape backup does not count.
- Make a backup. At the least, get everyone out and do the following...
- Delete the error log to make the backup faster. Admin, Error Log, Delete All.
- Use the Auction Program to make a zip backup. Sales, Menu, 3, then 3 again.
- Then you can proceed to install the update.
- Windows Auction Update - AuctionUpgrade.exe - The Current VFP 9.0 Version (AU3.exe).
Note: If you have not done an update since March 24, 2011 you should know that there are major structure changes in this upgrade - so be sure you have a good backup, and be prepared that
the update will take longer than usual to update the lots file.
Install this version if you have done the new workstation installation on all computers. Otherwise, follow the instructions
below to install the new version and the new workstation software on each computer running the auction program.
- The Latest Auction Upgrade Requires a new Workstation Install on all Computers.
- Windows Auction Update - AuctionUpgrade.exe - Run this once -
The New VFP 9.0 Version (AU3.exe)
This will update the data and install the new version of the auction program. Make sure you change the location
to indicate the folder where your auction software is installed on your server. Then for each computer....
- Before you install the new workstation software, you will need to un-install the old. You will need to go into
Add/Remove Programs and find the "VFP8 Workstation Program" or the "Droege Workstation Program" and Uninstall it.
- WorkStationSetup9.exe - Run this on each computer. Do not change the
location where the software is installed. The workstation software belongs in the Program Files Folder
- Workstation Installation helps.
- Remember NOT to change the location where the software is loaded.
- The error message about, "not able to find the directory, or unable to install the loader" is normal. Don't worry about it.
- If you get something about "Needs a newer version of the Windows Installer",
you need to get the latest version of Windows Installer 4.5
- If you get an error about Install Script is older, or any other message, try logging in as Admin and running the install.
- If you don't know the Admin login, but you still have rights to the computer, you can set the Admin password. Start, Right
Click on My Computer, Manage, drill down to Local Users and Groups, Users, right click on Admin and choose Set Password.
- Change your Shortcuts to AU3.exe. Note: The new auction program is now AU3.exe. I've done this so you can still run the old auction program (AU.exe) on
machines where you have not updated the workstation software. You will need to change your shortcuts to refer to AU3.exe
for the computers that you install the new workstation software.
- **New** - Auction Management System Reports Menus
- Auction Management System Database Definitions
- PF System Update - PFUpgrade.exe
- Latest DOS Auction.ZIP Download
- Windows Auction Update - DynaZip Installation
- Windows Auction Update - Spell Check Installation
- Windows Auction Update - EReports for Server
- Windows Auction Update - EReports for Workstation
- Windows Auction Update - IDSMail Installation
- Windows Auction Update - MICR Font Installation
- Windows Auction Documentation -
- Auction - Auction Management Software
- MMIS - Media Management Software
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